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Embassy of Afghanistan in Doha, Qatar West Bay, Isteolal Street or P.O. Box 22104 Doha, Qatar City: Doha Phone: (+974-4) 930821-2 Fax: (+974-4) 930819 Email: afgembqatar@hotmail.com | | ||||
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Embassy of Algeria in Doha, Qatar Area nr 63 Villa nr 52 Modern Dafna Al Either Street nr 941 Doha City: Doha Phone: 974 4 83 11 86, 974 4 83 11 87 Fax: 974 4 83 64 52 Web Site: http://www.mae.dz/ma_fr/ | | ||||
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Embassy of Azerbaijan in Doha, Qatar West Bay-Dafna, str. 66, Saba 41 P.O. Box 23900 Doha, Qatar City: Doha Phone: (0974) 493 24 50 Fax: (0974) 493 17 55 Email: azembassy@qatar.com.qa | | ||||
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Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain - Doha Al dafnah _ Auneza street Area 66 P.O Box: 24888 City: Doha Phone: 009744839362 Fax: 009744831018 Web Site: http://www.mofa.gov.bh Email: doha.mission@mofa.gov.bh Office Hours: Sun - Wed: 08:00 am - 14:15 pm, Thursday 08:00 am - 13:00 pm | | ||||
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Embassy of Bangladesh in Doha, Qatar Villa No. 13 St no. 810 42 Ibn Bajah No. 2080 City: Doha Phone: +974 671927 or 673471 | | ||||
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Embassy of Belgium in Doha, Qatar Al Sanaa Street, District 64 (between al Markhia and al Jamia Av.) Doha - State of Qatar City: Doha Phone: + (974) 493.15.42 + (974) 493.14.99 Fax: + (974) 493.01.51 Email: doha@diplobel.be Office Hours: Sunday through Thursday 8.00 am to 1 pm | | ||||
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Embassy of Brazil in Qatar AL Dafna, Area 66, Saha 95, West Bay P.O.BOX 23122 Doha, Qatar City: Doha Phone: (974) 483-8812/483-8227 Fax: (974) 483-8087 Email: brasil@brasembdoha.com.qa | | ||||
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Bruneian Embassy in Doha, Qatar Area 66, Saha 102 West Bay [Diplomatic Area] Doha, Qatar P.O.BOX: 22772 City: Doha Phone: (974) 4831956 / 4831962 Fax: (974) 4836798 Email: doha.qatar@mfa.gov.bn Office Hours: 0800 - 1400 hrs Sunday - Thursday | | ||||
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The Embassy of Canada to Qatar c/o 24 Al-Mutawaket Street, Block 4, Da'Aiah Area Kuwait City, Kuwait Phone: (011-965) 256-3025 Fax: (011-965) 256-4167 Email: kwait@international.gc.ca | | ||||
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Chinese Embassy in Qatar 1085 West Bay Lagoon Street West Bay Area Doha, Qatar City: Doha Phone: 00974-4934203, 4934204 Fax: 00974-4934201 Web Site: http://qa.china-embassy.org/eng/ Email: Chinashi@qatar.net.qa | | ||||
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Embassy of Cuba in Doha, Qatar Saha 76, New Dafna WestBay Lagoon-P.O.Box: 12017 Doha, Qatar City: Doha Phone: (974) 411 0713 (974) 411 0717 Fax: (974) 411 0387 Web Site: http://www.embacubaqatar.com Email: embacuba@qatar.net.qa | | ||||
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Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Doha, Qatar send edits Saba Saha 12 Street, Bld. No. 3 District 63, West Bay P.O.Box 24482 Doha, Qatar City: Doha Phone: + 974 4934390/1 (office), 4933086 (Cons.), 4932970 (Res.) Fax: + 974 4933087 Web Site: http://www.mfa.gov.cy/embassydoha Email: kyprosdoha@qatar.net.qa Office Hours: 07:00 - 14:30 (Sun. - Thur.) | | ||||
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Embassy of Dominican Republic in Qatar send edits West Bay Lagoon. St. 27. Villa # 15 P.O. Box: 23545 Doha, Qatar City: Doha Phone: +974 4113868 Fax: +974 4113267 Web Site: http://www.domrepemb-qatar.com Email: dominicanrepembassydoha@hotmail.com | | ||||
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Embassy of the State of Eritrea in Qatar P.O. Box 4309 D-Ring Road 14 City: Dohar Phone: +974-466-7934 Fax: +961-466-4139 | | ||||
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Embassy of France in Doha, Qatar West Bay, PO box 2669 City: Doha Phone: [974] 483 22 83 Fax: [974] 483 22 54 Web Site: http://www.ambafrance-qa.org Email: ambadoha@qatar.net.qa | | ||||
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Consular Section of the Embassy of France in Doha, Qatar send edits West Bay, PO box 2669, Doha City: Doha Phone: [974] 483 22 83 Fax: [974] 483 55 34 Web Site: http://www.ambafrance-qa.org Email: ambadoha@qatar.net.qa | | ||||
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Embassy of Greece in Doha send edits P.O. Box 15721 Doha - Qatar City: Doha Phone: (00974) 4128150 Fax: (00974) 4128160 Email: gremb.doha@mfa.gr | | ||||
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Embassy of India in Doha, Qatar No. 6, Al Jaleel Street, Al Hilal Area P.O. Box 2788 City: Doha Phone: 00-974-4672021, 4674660 Fax: 00-974-4670448 Web Site: http://www.indianembassy.gov.qa Email: indembdh@qatar.net.qa | | ||||
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Embassy of Indonesia in Doha, Qatar Al-Maahed Street Al Salata Al Jadeeda (P.O.BOX 22375) Doha, Qatar City: Doha Phone: (974) 465-7945, 466-4981 Fax: (974) 465-7610 Web Site: http://www.kbridoha.com Email: inemb@qatar.net.qa Office Hours: Sunday - Thursday : 08:30 - 12:30 and 13:30 - 16:30 Friday & Saturday : Closed | | ||||
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Embassy of The Republic of Iraq in Qatar. Embassy of the Republic of Iraq,Doha City: Doha Phone: (00974) 4672263 / (00974) 4672257 Fax: 00974/4673347 Email: dohemb@iraqmofamail.net | | ||||
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Embassy of The Republic of Iraq in Qatar. Embassy of the Republic of Iraq,Doha City: Doha Phone: (00974) 4672263 / (00974) 4672257 Fax: 00974/4673347 Email: dohemb@iraqmofamail.net | | ||||
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Italian Embassy in Doha, Qatar Dafna 61 City: Doha Phone: 009744831828, 009744831802, 4831803 Fax: 009744831909 Web Site: http://www.ambdoha.esteri.it Email: ambasciata.doha@esteri.it, consolare.doha@esteri.it | | ||||
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Embassy of Jordan in Doha, Qatar Al Mantiqa Al Diplomaciya Al Khaleeg Al Arabi 00974 City: Doha Phone: 4832204 - 4832203 - 4832202 Fax: 4832173 Email: jordand@qatar.net.qa Office Hours: Monday - Thursday:8:00-3:00 Sunday: 8:00-3:00 | | ||||
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Kazakhstan Embassy in Doha, Qatar Doha, postbox 25513 Dafna, sector 66, building 93 City: Doha Phone: +9744128015 Fax: +9744128014 Email: kazembassyqatar@mail.ru | | ||||
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Kuwaiti Embassy in Doha, Qataar P.O.Box 1177 Doha Qatar City: Doha Phone: (+974) 4832111, 4832127 Fax: (+974) 4832042 | | ||||
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Embassy of Lebanon in Doha, Qatar Al Haditha Area 63 United Nation Street Villa No 5 P.O. Box: 2411 Doha Qatar City: Doha Phone: (+974) 493-3330 Fax: (+974) 493-3331 Email: embleb@qatar.net.qa | | ||||
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Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia in Doha, Qatar Al-Ithar Street Villa No.28 Dafna - Diplomatic Area Po BOX: 24262, Doha Qatar City: Doha Phone: +974 49 31 374 Fax: +974 48 31 572 Email: doha@mfa.gov.mk | | ||||
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Embassy of Malaysia, Doha Lusail Street, West Bay, Dafna, P.O Box 23760 Qatar City: Doha Phone: +974 4836463 / 493 Fax: +974 4836 453 Web Site: http://www.kln.gov.my/perwakilan/doha Email: maldoha@kln.gov.my Office Hours: Saturday -Thursday 0830 hrs - 1530hrs | | ||||
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Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman in Doha, Qatar Near West Bay Petrol Stationt Region 63, Saha 17, Villa No.3 Al-Dafna P.O. Box 1525 Doha, Qatar City: Doha Phone: (+974) 493 1514 / 1910 Fax: (+974) 493 2278 Email: oman-e126@hotmail.com Office Hours: 07:30 - 13:30 | | ||||
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Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan P.O.Box 334 Doha Qatar City: Doha Phone: (+974) 4832525 Fax: (+974) 4832227 | | ||||
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Embassy of Philippines in Doha, Qatar Villa # 7 A1 Eithar Street Saha 2, West Bay Area P.O. Box 24900 Doha, Qatar City: Doha Phone: (00974) 483-1585; 483-2560 Fax: (00974) 483-1595 Email: dohape@dfa.gov.ph | | ||||
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Embassy of Romania in Doha, Qatar Ibn Roshd Street, No. 40, Dafna Area or P.O.Box 22511 Doha Qatar City: Doha Phone: (00) (974) 4934848 or 4930369 Fax: (00) (974) 4934747 Email: romamb@qatar.net.qa | | ||||
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Embassy of Russia in Doha, Qatar P.O. BOX. 15404, doha, Qatar New Doha (Qatifiya) Area 66, Street #804, Villa #4 City: Doha Phone: +974 483-62-31, 483-68-21 Fax: +974 483-62-43 Email: rusemb@qatar.net.qa | | ||||
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Saudi Arabia Embassy in Doha, Qatar Diplamatic Area , Gulf Arabia PO Box 1255 City: Doha Phone: 974-4832030 Fax: 974-4832720 | | ||||
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Senegal Embassy , Qatar Ibn Almoutas street -st. num.65- dafna City: Doha Phone: +974-4837644/+974-4837677 Fax: (+974) 4838872 | | ||||
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Consulate of Seychelles in Qatar 47854 City: Doha Email: tym@hotmail.com | | ||||
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Embassy of Singapore in Qatar New West Bay Area (off Lusail Street) City: Doha Phone: +974-412-8180 / +974-412-8183 Email: +974-412-8082 / +974-412-8083 | | ||||
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South Africa Embassy , Qatar Al Dafna street 523, House 91 PO Box 24744 City: Doha Phone: +974-4857111 Fax: +974-4835961 Email: saembdoha@qatar.net.qa /saemtrainfo@qatar.net.qa | | ||||
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Embassy of Spain in Qatar Al- Isteqlal Aven- West Bay City: Doha Phone: (+974)-4844104 / 4835886 / 4835901 Fax: +974-4844101 / +974-4835887 Email: emb.esp.qatar@terra.es | | ||||
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Embassy of Sudan in Qatar Al-Hilal Street City: Doha Phone: (+974) 4831508,4831474, 4831473 Fax: (+974)-4833031 Email: osman@qatar.net.qa | | ||||
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Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic Doha, Qatar City: Doha Phone: (+974) 4831844, 4832409 Fax: (+974) 4832139 | | ||||
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Embassy of Thailand in Qatar Villa No. 162 Al Eithar Street Dafna, Westbay Area, P.O. Box 22474 Doha City: Doha Phone: (974) 4550715, 4550716, 4934426, 4934432 Fax: (974) 4550835, 4930514 Web Site: http://www.thaiembqatar.com Email: thaidoh@qatar.net.qa | | ||||
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Embassy of Tunisia in Qatar West Bay City: Doha Phone: +974-4832645 Fax: +974-4832649 Email: at.doha@qatar.net.qa | | ||||
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Embassy of Turkey in Qatar send edits Dafna - Al Istqlal street City: Doha Phone: +974-4835553 / +974-4835204 Fax: +974-4835206 Email: tcdohabe@qatar.net.qa | | ||||
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Embassy of United Arab Emirates in Qatar 22 Al Markhiyah Street, Khalifa Northern Town City: Doha Phone: +974-4838880 / +974-4836082 Fax: +974-4836186 Email: emarat@qatar.net.qa | | ||||
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U.S. Embassy in Doha, Qatar Al-Luqta district 22nd February Street City: Doha Phone: (974) 488-4101ext 6500 Fax: (974) 488-4298 Web Site: http://qatar.usembassy.gov Email: PASDoha@state.gov Office Hours: Sat-Sun-Tues-Wed 1100 - 1300 | | ||||
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Embassy of Venezuela in Qatar send edits Villa No 57-826, Al-Mabahej Street, 66 West Bay Doha, Qatar City: Doha Phone: +974-493-2730 / +974-493-2734 Fax: +974-493-2729 Email: embavenqatar@qatar.net.qa | | ||||
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Embassy of Yemen P.O.Box 3318 Villa Mohamed Maayouf Al-Naimy Doha Qatar City: Doha Phone: (+974) 4432555, 4326558, 4671050/1 Fax: (+974) 4429400 |
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Friday, 27 March 2009
Foreign Embassies in Doha
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